Upcoming Series Strike Back Season 8: Story, Cast, Release Date

Strike Back Season 8


If you have interest in mystery stories, then must watch Strike Back series. The Seven seasons has released and now season 8 is on its way. The series keeps your fans energized and refreshed. Maybe upcoming series strike back season 8 will be the last season.


Where you can see Strike Back Season 8

It airs on Sky one in the UK as well as on Cinemax in the USA.

Strike Back Cast Stars

Strike Back has different cast stars. The reason behind different cast is different teams of the particular branch.

However, Many cast stars returned after initial season. Warren Brown as Sergeant Thomas gets popularity due to his role.

Furthermore, Alin Sumartawala as Corporal Gracie come back in the last two seasons. Besides these the Jamie Bamber as Colonel Alexander Coltrane plays a role as a new commanding officer and Yasmin Kay Allen as Katrina Zarkova.

Most of the cast encouraged by the presence of these two last stars. In the upcoming series of strike back season 8, it is expecting that most of these will return.

What will happen in the Upcoming series Strike Back Season 8

Strike Back is an American thriller series. It is a novel based story that follows the actions of section 20. First, know about Section 20, it is a secretive branch of Defence Intelligence service of Britain who deals with high-risk missions all over the globe.

In every season of Strike back, a new threat comes in the way of agents section 20. They take the high-risk mission in different parts of the world. Different locations capture in every season. The team of section 20 work together and have faith in each other.

In Season 8, soldiers will take different threats and get results. It considers one of the most elite class intelligence agency of the globe.

Furthermore, In the upcoming series of strike back season 8, the team will hit the ground and gather information about how we should improve and fulfill the mission. All soldiers of section 20 are a trained killer and always prepare for actions.

The release date of Strike Back season 8

The first show aired on 5 May 2010 as well as season 7 on 25 January 2019. There is no official date of Season 8 while the season 7 renewed on 27 February 2019. The most expected time of the upcoming series strike back season 8 is January 2020.