Update About The Official Trailer Of Thriller And Drama Black Mirror


Black mirror is one of the best shows. Each episode is original and distinct in its own way. Every episode tells its own story and their underlining themes are subtle but blindingly clear. When watching the show you don’t have to watch each season chronologically you can jump in between several different seasons and you are still able to grasp the shows overall message.

Black Mirror gets back to its best work with this. Their tech commentary had started to get a little dated/scaremonger. It always finds much more salient when it’s about what flawed humans do with technology, which it isn’t either bad or good.

The show is amazing. Surely it will show the downside of technology which we enjoy very much. But unlike other shows they don’t have a happy ending rather they show the bitter truth which affects our lives in a bad way.

The direction is also amazing, as you can’t guess what will going to happen which also makes its mysterious and curious. Not all episodes are stunting but certain episodes are too amazing. This show is addictive and entertaining! It will suck you right in. Each episode features a different collection of amazing actors and actresses.

The people they casted, play the character without flaw. Make sure you watch closely.  They connected the stories beautifully, without making it obvious. You will never guess what will happen. Take the time to watch this series. It will change the way you think and it will make you think. ENJOY!