Will “Orange is the New Black” be Renewed on Viewer’s Demand for Season 8?

Orange is the New Black

Distressed from the Finale, Fans Want Netflix to Renew the Spectacular Series Orange is the New Black for Season 8!

Viewers have always praised the Orange is the New Black for its spectacular representation of women’ life in prison.

The series follows the storyline based on the Piper Kerman’s biographical account, Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women’s Prison. It ought to highlight various severe issues regarding women’ life in prison including how racism affects such societal and legal issues.

However, the best part about the series proves to be the representation of such issues in a humorist and smooth sequential pattern.

Now, Netflix announced that the OITNB will reach its conclusion in Season 7. So, the fans seem to be distressed and heart-wrenched.

Definitely, for its unique plot and remarkable presentation including characters and acting, it has gained a huge fanbase. Thus, the fanbase doesn’t want the series to break its chain and reach its finale.

Thus, the huge fanbase wants another season to continue the remarkable representation of reality based conceptions. Such conceptions which highlight the life struggle of imprisoned women and racial issues influencing over them. 

Consequently, the series no doubt proves to be the perfect illustration of a fact that prison completely molds a person into a new incarnation.  

So, we as fans of Orange is the New Black hopes to have more seasons or spin-offs of the series. 

Surely, Netflix will ponder about it and keeping in view fans’ demand, will bring a lot more to light!

Stay tuned to have more updates!