3 Reasons Why It Is Worth Migrating From Drupal 7 To Drupal 9


Drupal is one of the most widespread and popular systems for content management. With its functionality and a large number of different modules, personalizing a website and delivering the right content to users becomes much easier and more efficient.

At the same time, Drupal is constantly being updated and improved, so there are different versions of this CMS. And one of the factors to consider is that each version of Drupal has its end-of-life deadline. This means that sooner or later, a business will need to look for a Drupal migration company to upgrade to the newer version of the CMS.

Today, about 500,000 websites worldwide are still using Drupal 7. However, the end-of-life date of this version of the system expires in November 2023, so companies should already be gradually preparing to migrate to a newer version.

Beyond the end-of-system support, migrating to Drupal 9 is necessary to help grow your business. After all, the new version of the CMS has more useful features and enhanced functionality, which is an important aspect when it comes to sustainable business development since companies must remain competitive in the market. To accomplish this task, businesses should offer their customers better content, products, and services than their competitors.

That’s why migrating to Drupal 9 is a logical decision. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top reasons why companies should upgrade to a newer version of Drupal.You can also check out Debug Academy to learn more.

Why To Choose Drupal 9

As mentioned, support for Drupal 7 will expire in November 2023. Therefore, the close deadline is one of the main reasons you should start planning your migration to the new CMS version right now.

However, the deadline is not the only reason. After all, the updated version has several advantages that contribute to the implementation of marketing strategies and the achievement of business goals.

So, if you are considering upgrading your website from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9, here are a few reasons why you should.

The Power Of The Next-Gen

Drupal 9 is a next-gen platform. And migrating to a new version of the system is the best way to meet the expectations of your customers.

Since technology does not stand still, businesses need to implement and adapt to change. The emergence of innovative solutions naturally leads to new challenges and changes in habits and expectations. That’s why it is crucial to keep up with the times. Thus, moving to a new and modern platform is a cost-effective and reasonable solution.

With new features and enhanced functionality, companies can benefit from greater lead generation and improved user experience.

One of the main advantages of Drupal 9 is that this CMS is a scalable platform that can be extended with additional functions to meet the needs of a digital experience.

By moving to a more advanced, innovative, and reliable platform, businesses will be able to meet the latest standards and expectations, which are one of the main growth drivers.

Extended Functionality  

Drupal 9 gives you more options for implementing different ideas than its predecessors. Thanks to the idea of continuous innovation, such a platform is a flexible and reliable option, especially when it comes to the mid and long-term.

With such libraries as Symfony, Twig, and Guzzle, developers can create high-performance and innovative web applications. What’s more, an API-centric approach helps deliver content more efficiently across multiple devices, channels, and platforms.

At the same time, the new version of the CMS allows you to use PHP and MySQL in the best possible way. For example, with the Composer feature, you can manage dependencies and conflicts, which means adding a lot of functionality without having to build everything from scratch.

Due to its capabilities, Drupal 9 is an efficient and sustainable solution for corporate websites, as applications that run on modern platforms provide better performance.

Updates And Upgrades

While migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 can take a little time and effort, you can benefit from easy and fast upgrades after a successful migration.

Due to the adoption of new semantic versioning with Drupal 8, companies can get new features with every update. At the same time, the process of installing updates is as simple as possible, which will not cause any difficulties.

Therefore, with Drupal 9, businesses can innovate faster and expand their strategies with new features and functionality.

As such, Drupal 9 is an attractive platform for sustainably growing and improving your website.

Advantages Of Drupal 9

Here’s what you can get with Drupal 9:

Advanced Security

Platform security is a top priority for the Drupal team. Therefore, by integrating the new version of the platform, businesses can be confident in the security of their websites.

Because the implementation of new protocols and the creation of new code significantly reduces the risk of security threats or data leaks.


Drupal 9 uses an API-first approach. This means organizations can flexibly integrate with any third-party system to create and seamlessly deliver content across platforms, devices, and channels.

High performance

Drupal 9 core includes many modules to improve productivity. Some of the commonly used modules that help make your website perform better include:


  • Big Pipe (front-end rendering);
  • Internal page cache (data caching);
  • Advanced CSS/JS aggregation (front-end performance);
  • Blazy (loading of images);

Configuration Management

Drupal 9 includes configuration management, which means you can easily store, manage, and move data across different environments.

Customized Pages

With modules like the Layout builder, businesses can benefit from a better editorial experience.

Its core value is that it allows you to create customizable and flexible pages. It also provides developers with a user-friendly drag-and-drop UI that makes things much easier.

Learn more about migration to Drupal and Drupal 7 export content to CSV at Elevatedthird.



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