7 Tips For Becoming A Successful Healthcare Administrator

Healthcare Administrator

The healthcare industry has numerous career opportunities with significant growth prospects. However, several people shy away from such opportunities, as their queasy nature cannot adapt to an environment laden with potential germs, blood, and various diseases.

The ideal solution to this problem is to become a healthcare administrator. This job requires you to handle various managerial tasks in the healthcare business. 

If you are curious about the skills and requirements needed to be a healthcare administrator, this guide can show you how to be the best fit for the job.

  1. Technical skills

You must have the relevant technical knowledge to excel in this department. Some basic examples might be data entry, accounting, using the hospital’s software, maintaining an efficient record of patients’ medical history, and other business operations. You will also be required to handle quality control to avoid unpleasant incidents and acquire customer feedback to ensure they are satisfied with the service.

You cannot only learn such necessary skills through experience. It is mandatory to acquire the required qualifications before applying for the job. A useful degree to opt for is the Master Of Health Administration degree. It can groom you to have the skill set needed to execute the job flawlessly. If you cannot opt for on-campus classes, consider MHA degrees online. It can also help you create a network of contacts within the industry that can be beneficial in the long run. 

  1. Leadership skills

A good leader is more than barking out orders and expecting them to be followed obediently. It is essential to lead by example and communicate with employees frequently to understand how well they handle the assigned tasks. Furthermore, it can help create a positive work environment and strong relations with employees. This allows for greater work satisfaction that helps project a more positive attitude towards patients. 

It is better to keep your leadership patient-centric, as they are the ultimate customers. Ensuring their satisfaction should be the utmost priority. It would be best if you strived to implement change to introduce more efficiency within the hospital processes and create a more competitive environment. 

  1. Team player

Several people perform better solo than they do in teams. However, this is not an option while being a healthcare administrator. You will need to handle multiple departments containing countless employees. It is not possible to manage it all by yourself. Every department will have employees and heads with expertise in their required fields. Listening to their feedback before devising and implementing various policies is essential. 

Furthermore, you may not have the medical knowledge needed to bring certain advancements that the hospital needs for the betterment of patients. Allowing the department heads to keep you updated on all such modern practices and the required technology can help you stay in the loop and ensure the hospital runs smoothly. 

  1. Critical thinking

Being a health administrator requires you to be in a position wherein you must make decisions, whether they are regarding daily operations or a considerable change in the hospital’s environment. You should know when to go by the book and when to step out of the box while deciding the hospital’s future. 

Employees in managerial positions should be able to analyze problems and devise solutions critically. You must thoroughly evaluate all angles regarding the issues and consider the possible outcomes before choosing the best fit. That way, you can opt for the best course of action. You can achieve this by analyzing all necessary data thoroughly before making an informed decision that aligns with the hospital’s long-term goals. 

However, not all decisions will result in a positive outcome. That is an inevitable fact, and it is advisable to shoulder the responsibility for potential failure and learn from those mistakes. It can help you adapt to various problems and acquire success in the field.

  1. Flexibility

All industries acquire changes over time, including healthcare. As per new health laws and research, countries or states may introduce various changes that the hospitals will be expected to follow. As a healthcare administrator, you must be flexible and open to such change and strive to implement it accordingly.

Keep yourself updated regarding new practices, research, the ever-dynamic situation of the industry, and new healthcare laws. Since you will be at the forefront of this change, other employees will find it easier to adapt to it when they observe the manager embracing it positively. 

Moreover, millennials are increasingly taking over from boomers. This generational gap poses more challenges as their needs and expected work environment might vary from older employees. If you want to create a tandem with the newer employees, you should be open to specific changes that might help employees of all generations feel comfortable and motivated. 

  1. Ethical practices

Hospitals are typically responsible for their patient’s health, which is a challenging feat. It is a massive responsibility, which can also have considerable repercussions if the employees do not follow ethical practices. As a health administrator, you must ensure transparency and accountability regarding such procedures to ensure all rules are followed accordingly without any tampering or misconduct. 

If the manager cannot maintain their moral compass, other employees will find opportunities to perform their acts of poor judgment. It can create a negative outlook and a negative reputation for the hospital. 

  1. Discretion

A patient’s medical history is a matter of discretion, and a health administrator must ensure it stays that way. Most health administrators are usually at the head of private records and files regarding the health of various patients. It requires them to keep track and ascertain that the information is not used for unwanted purposes. They must respect the universal patient privacy rule and maintain decent ethical practices. 


The healthcare industry has various job opportunities, and some do not require a standard medical degree. If you want to work towards being a health administrator, you should possess some necessary skills that can help you excel in the competitive industry. You should be able to inspire employees and provide them with a comfortable environment through robust leadership and promoting positive change. To ensure patient satisfaction, sufficient accountability, discretion, and transparency should be ensured. A health administrator should also be flexible and adapt to the industry’s dynamic nature.