What you need to know about Impress invisible orthodontic treatment


Invisible orthodontics, as its name suggests, encompasses all those orthodontic treatments whose main objective is to be discreet. The idea behind this type of transparent or esthetic solution is to offer a more esthetic alternative to traditional metal brackets so that the patient feels more comfortable and self-confident.

Invisible orthodontics has become a favorite solution for adult patients, especially those who work in front of the public or who prefer not to have to explain the reasons that have led them to align their smile. In fact, invisible aligners are one of the most requested services from this professional dentist in Greenville.

At Impress they specialize in clear aligners, whose process is much simpler than traditional orthodontics, more painless and comfortable, and above all, more aesthetic. Do you want to know more about this treatment?

How long does invisible orthodontics last?

On average, invisible orthodontic treatment can last between 6 and 36 months, although there are cases that can be resolved in less time and others that may need a few more months. To know exactly how long your invisible orthodontic treatment will last, your specialist must evaluate the case. The duration of invisible orthodontics may vary slightly depending on the type of orthodontic treatment chosen, but the difficulty of the case will be the determining factor. 

Is invisible orthodontics for you?

Although invisible braces are the most popular option for adults, they are sometimes not the best choice for people who have severe crowding or need to move around a lot. You also need to know that if you think you won’t be able to wear the aligners for 22 hours a day, this is not the ideal option for you either. To find out whether or not you are a candidate for invisible orthodontics, consult with our specialists, they will find the most appropriate option according to the state of your teeth and your lifestyle.

For which problems is the Impress clear aligners treatment recommended?

  • Bearing in mind that the orthodontist’s instructions must always be followed, there are some dental problems for which the use of invisible orthodontics is usually recommended, according to Impress:
    • Problems of dental crowding. These occur when there is not enough space in the jaw and the teeth tend to overlap one on top of the other.
    • Bite problems, as this type of treatment is able to place the teeth in an aligned way, regardless of whether it is the upper teeth that overlap the lower ones or vice versa. 
    • All cases of Bruxism problems

However, there are other malocclusions or certain problems in which the use of this treatment is recommended, but the best option is always to consult a specialist who will guide you to adapt your case to the best treatment.

It is important to know that patients who choose the clear aligners option must have a strong commitment to the treatment, which is that the aligners must be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day and must always be washed thoroughly before putting them back in the mouth.

What care should be taken during clear aligners treatment?

This treatment offers us a series of benefits compared to others, as we have said, on an aesthetic level it is invisible, less painful, more comfortable, etc. However, we must also take certain care, especially in terms of hygiene, and be consistent with the treatment. Here are Impress’ recommendations for oral hygiene and health.

Aligners should be cleaned with cold water, pH-neutral soap and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Aligners should not be washed with hot water or anything other than warm water and neutral soap. In addition, to prevent them from getting lost or damaged, it is important to always store them in their box and keep them out of reach of pets.