Montessori Shape Sorter


To ease the process of growing up and getting to know this world for parents, it is very important to develop some skills in your child from infancy. Of course, it is too early to teach babies according to the classical academic program, so all development should go through fun games. One of the great options that combine entertainment and useful activity is the Montessori shape sorter by Bimi Boo.

A Montessori shape sorter is a box with holes of various shapes in the walls and figurines whose shapes fit the holes. The essence of the game is that the child picks up the correct figurine for each hole and throws the piece through it into the box. What is more, all figurines are colored in different colors, so it is possible to teach the child to distinguish not only shapes but also colors.

This educational toy helps to develop and enhance skills like:

·       Fine motor skills

·       Logical thinking

·       Analytical & critical thinking

·       Memorization

·       Problem-solving.

The game with the sorter fully reflects the basic principle of the pedagogical methodology developed by the famous doctor and teacher Maria Montessori. The Montessori method claims that a child should be treated as a unique, inimitable personality, with their own development plan, methods, and terms for mastering the world around them.

With such a toy as a wooden shape sorter by Bimi Boo, the children are not limited to one single approach to the game, as they can throw the figures into the box according to the shape criterion, can concentrate on the figures of only one color, focus not on the figures but on the holes themselves and match the figures to them, and not vice versa. So, a seemingly simple game provides the child with many options and freedom of choice.