Spoilers of The Flash Season 5: “Barry and Iris have traveled to the future”

The Flash Season 5

The Flash season five is an American television series. The series made on the DC character Barry Allen/Flash. The flash season five consists of 22 episodes and released on 9 October 2018 on the CW. The eighteen episodes have completed and a photo leaked from the sets, therefore, fans are now very desperate. The picture shows Barry and Iris are traveling to the future. Let’s talk about Spoilers of the flash season 5.

The flash season 5 follows the character flash, who is a crime scene investigator. He has superhuman speed and fights criminals. Moreover, Flash also other abilities such as the consequences with his future daughter’s time traveling.

Hardships for Barry and Iris in The Flash season 5

Grant Gustin as Barry and Candice Patton as Iris West is facing more hardships in season five. However, In the latest episode, their daughter started working with Reverse Flash who is the antagonist. Tom Cavanagh is playing the role of an antagonist as Reverse Flash.

What happened in the future?

If Iris and Barry have gone to the future, then the danger is that they will separate from each other. It is already predicted that Barry will disappear after fighting with Cicada. However, Now the curiosity is that, will couple face more problems in the future?

The arrival of New Villain

It is expecting that in new episode new antagonist will appear to Barry. Another teaser image describes the appearance of Godspeed, the new villain.

Stay tuned with us, and we will update you more spoilers of the flash season 5.