Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 Episode 3 Spoilers and Release Date

Attack on Titan

Ongoing season, Attack on Titan season 3 part 2 episode 3 is near to release. The previous story was great, and fans are expecting more from the next episode. So let’s have a look at Attack on Titan season 3 part 2 Episode 3 spoilers. Here we will discuss official spoilers of the upcoming episode.

When the second episode of Attack on Titan season 3 is coming?

The previous episode released on May 5 and was one of the best events. The episode title was “Thunder spears.” The episode 3 of Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 will release on 14 May 2019. The next episode title is ” Descent.”

Spoilers of Next Episode 3

We are going to see the big war in next, and I am so excited to play it. Well, the fight had started in the previous episode, but we’ll see the complete fight between Armored Titan and Eren in the upcoming event.

In the upcoming episode, will fight against The Beast Titan. In this most anticipated anime series, we will see Beast is under pressure. There is a lot of pressure on his shoulders and The Survey Group charge to defeat him.

There will be live action drama like Titan face the human now, and there is no need to seal the wall. I’ll be a great war where Levi will come on top. Moreover, after his gas runs out, he will kill all titans and get to safety.