Best TV Series for The Big Bang Theory’s Fans, 5 Best Shows in the Replacement of big bang theory

The Bing bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is on the final stage, and fans are very disappointed for that.  All 12 seasons was amazing and now say to goodbye is very difficult for us. However, We are here for fans. Yes, we are bringing a fantastic content that you can watch in the replacement of The Big Bang Theory.

Modern Family

One of the excellent replacement is here for the big bang theory’s fans. It is a family drama that made on three different generations. These families are living together. Many things, you learn by watching it must try to view it. Emmy gave its 21 awards to modern family drama as well as many writers of this show won Guild of America Awards. You can catch Modern family drama on the Sky Go app.

How I Met Your Mother

Well, it is an exciting story where the father tells his children about his story. He tells how he met their mother. Children are so excited by hearing Ted and his friends’ involvement in finding his wife. It is such a cute and intricate story. You can watch it on CBS.


Mom is one of amazing american sitcom and best to watch in the replacement of the big bang theory. It is a family drama and shows dysfunctional relationships among them. Daughter name is Christy and recovering alcoholic mother that returns to her life. One episode of this sitcom broadcast every Friday on Amazon Prime.

Brooklyn Nine

Brooklyn Nine is a comedy series that follows a tight-knit group of NYPD detectives and their captain. The recordings are saving in the Ninety-ninth block in NYC. Fox dropped this show last year, but NBC kept it for viewers. It is also available on Netflix, and you can watch all previous season on Netflix. However, it is less recommended in the replacement of The big bang theory.

Family Guy

Here is a satire of an American family who is living in a small town. However, it is an animated series that is the mixture of dank and twist of humour.