Crazy Rich Asians scores second strong week at box office

Crazy Rich Asian box office scores
Image Source: Variety

The all-Asian cast Hollywood hit Crazy Rich Asians has scored another strong weekend at the domestic box office. It’s a fun romantic comedy with some drama thrown in for good measure but never gets too serious to lose its wit and charm. The iconic Michelle Yeoh returns to screen in a strong supporting role and is quite comfortable with her fellow Asian cast members on screen.

Crazy Rich Asians is basically the story of a Chinese-American girl, Rachel Yu, goes to Chinese’s boyfriend Nick Young’s best friend’s wedding in Singapore unaware of the cultural expectations. She has no clue her boyfriend is a filthy rich and heir to an enormous fortune. Lot of interesting things happen and if you observe closely, you can see how connected people in China and Singapore are. There’s the jealous ex-girlfriend, the demanding mother of the boyfriend and the glitz and glamor of living the life of luxury. Traveling in first class is something you see in the first half hour of the movie so you know this Nick Young is no ordinary Asian.

It’s obvious with all the luxury, romance and drama you see on screen along with excellent acting, Crazy Rich Asians has delivered. With two strong box office weekends, this movie could be a strong contender for the most popular film at the Oscars- which is a new category from this year. It would face stiff competition from Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again and Mission Impossible: Fallout- two other major blockbusters released recently.

Crazy Rich Asians is still currently playing in theaters.