Donald Trump Declared Healthy According to Annual Medical Tests

President Donald Trump Declared Healthy According to Annual Medical Tests

While the Trump Government is facing a dual challenge with the global pandemic as well as the countrywide protests, the President receives some good news. According to the annual medical tests result, released by the White House, he is declared fully fit. It is regarding the effects of the hydroxychloroquine that he consumed as a prophylactic against the infectious virus. Moreover, his physician officially declares that the President has not suffered from any harmful side effects of the medicine.

This answers several questions about whether the chemical can be used as a valid medicine against the coronavirus. Donald Trump’s physician, Dr. Sean Conley later released a public memo. In it, he states that the latest reports are based on medical tests, and studies were carried on between April 2019 to April 2020. In his words, “There has been no interval change to the President’s medical history.”

The details according to the test results include the President’s body weight which is around 244 pounds. So, he seems to have gained just one pound more since his previous report. Moreover, Donald Trump is under the tagline of being obese for the second consecutive year now. The other test results and lab values against the latest medical reports are all normal and there is no other problem. However, due to his obesity issue, he is more prone to problems such as heart issues, cholesterol, and diabetes. Therefore, a thorough screening for his A1C Diabetes levels as well as his cholesterol or lipid profile was done too. The heart screening was done with the use of advanced technology of EKG or electrocardiogram. All this is being done to justify the fact that trump had been promoting the medicine for quite some time now.

Is the hydroxychloroquine effective?

It is important to mention that hydroxychloroquine medicine is still not approved by any expert to be a solution for COVID-19. However, President, Mr. Donald Trump has been promoting the same for a long time. What is more interesting is that the medicine that is a COVID-19 solution according to the US President is often linked with severe issues such as cardiac arrhythmias. So, it is evident that any patient with prevailing heart issues cannot self-prescribe these kinds of medicines. Rather, they will first have to go through an elaborate EKG test. Later, they may also have to stop consuming this medicine if the doctor suggests accordingly.

The Press secretary of The White House Kayleigh McEnany announced the completion of Trump’s test results on Wednesday. She adds that the results are due soon and that all COVID tests on the President are negative. However, the unusual part of the story is that Donald Trump usually goes to the Walter Reed National Military Center for his annual tests, which he did not do this time. Besides, he was staying in Washington D.C. planning for a busy 2020. Even later, there was no proper news of him visiting a hospital. Therefore, there is always a question mark about what happens inside the White House. Finally, the doctor has prescribed him a healthy diet and regular exercise to keep fit.