How to Delete Reddit History: Tips and Tricks

how to delete reddit history

How to Delete Reddit History? Like most people, you probably use Reddit to get your daily dose of news and entertainment. But what happens if you want to delete your Reddit history?

Maybe you don’t want others to see what you’ve been up to on the site, or you want a fresh start. Whatever the reason, deleting your Reddit history is very easy! This blog post will teach you how to do it in just a few simple steps.

What Are Reddit and Reddit Posts?

Reddit is an online community that was founded in 2005. The website only had posts and comments at first, but recently there’s also been a mobile application for it.

The website is a haven for discussions, from social news to opinions and everything in between. Reddit is a social news site where users can submit content through links or text posts.

how to delete reddit history

Other users then vote on these posts, and the most popular posts make it to the site’s front page. Reddit also has a vast and active user base, making it one of the best places to find information on almost any topic.

When you create an account on Reddit, all of your activity is automatically saved. It includes the posts you upvote, the posts you downvote, the comments you make, and the searches you perform.

Unfortunately, all this data is stored in your user profile, which is publicly accessible to anyone visiting your profile page. That can be a problem if you want to keep your activity on Reddit private, as anyone can see everything you’ve done on the site.

How to Delete Your Reddit History: Briefly

Deleting your Reddit history is a three-step process.

  • First, log in to your Reddit account and go to the Preferences section.
  • Second, you’ll need to find the Content tab and click on it.
  • Finally, under the History category, you’ll see the option to Clear Your Viewing History. Click on that, and voila! Your Reddit history has been deleted.

Now, if you want to take things further and delete your entire account, that’s a bit more complicated.

  • First, you need to go to the deactivation page.
  • Enter your username and password when prompted.
  • Then, select the reason you’re deactivating your account from the drop-down menu.
  • And finally, click the Deactivate Account button.

Remember that this is a permanent decision, and once you deactivate your account, there’s no going back. So if you’re sure you want to delete your Reddit history for good, then follow the steps above, and you’ll be on your way.

How to delete Reddit history on a computer

Looking to clear your Reddit history on your computer? Whether you’re doing some spring cleaning or want to start fresh, we’ll show you how easy it is to delete everything from your browsing history.

Remember that deleted information may still be available on the site’s servers, so it’s not a foolproof way to hide your online activity. But if you’re looking for a way to erase your tracks, deleting Reddit history is a quick and easy way.

To delete your Reddit history, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your account and go to the Preferences section.
  • Find the Content tab and click on it.
  • Under the History category, you’ll see the option to Clear Your Viewing History. Click on that, and voila! Your Reddit history has been deleted.

How to delete Reddit history on an iPhone or iPad

When it comes to Reddit, there are a lot of great things about it. It’s a place where you can find interesting and informative articles, engage in thoughtful discussions, and meet new people worldwide.

However, you may also have some reservations about Reddit if you’re like many people. For example, maybe you don’t like how people can be so mean and rude to each other. Or maybe you don’t want anyone to be able to see your history on the site.

how to delete reddit history

If that’s the case, delete Reddit history on your iPhone or iPad. It’s easy to do and only takes a few minutes. Keep reading for step-by-step instructions on how to delete your Reddit history.

  • Log in to your Reddit account on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Tap on the Preferences tab.
  • Scroll down and tap on the Clear My History option.
  • A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you want to delete your history. Tap on the Clear button to confirm.
  • And that’s it! Your Reddit history has been deleted.

How to delete Reddit history on an Android device

If you’re using Reddit on your Android device, there are two ways to delete your history. You can either clear your browsing data or log out of your account and then delete the app. Clearing your browsing data will delete your entire history while logging out will only remove your account from the app.

To clear your browsing data:

  • Open the Reddit app and tap on the three lines in the top left corner.
  • Scroll down and tap on Settings.
  • Tap on Clear Browsing Data.
  • Select how much data you want to delete and tap on Clear Data.

To log out of your account:

  • Open the Reddit app and tap on the three lines in the top left corner.
  • Scroll down and tap on Logout.
  • Confirm that you want to log out by tapping on Log Out.
  • Delete the app from your device.

Both of these methods will delete your Reddit history from your Android device. If you want to keep your account but just want to clear your browsing data, the first method is the way to go. However, deleting the app is the best way to do it if you want to completely remove your Reddit account.

Tips for deleting Reddit history

If you want to delete your Reddit history for privacy reasons, there are a few different ways you can go about it. In this article, we’ll walk you through some of the most effective methods for deleting your Reddit history.

One way to delete your Reddit history is to simply delete your account. It will erase all your posts, comments, and other activity from the site. However, it’s worth noting that you can’t recover it or any of your data once you delete your account. So if you’re sure you want to delete your Reddit history, this is a pretty straightforward way to do it.

Another way to delete your Reddit history is to use a third-party service like Wayback Machine. Wayback Machine is a service that archives the web, and it can be used to delete your Reddit history. To use Wayback Machine, simply go to the site and enter the URL of the Reddit page you want to delete. Once you do this, Wayback Machine will take care of deleting the page for you.

If you’re looking for a more manual way to delete your Reddit history, you can always go through your account and delete each post and comment individually. This takes a bit more time, but it’s a pretty effective way to get rid of your entire history on the site.

Hopefully, these tips have helped you figure out how to delete your Reddit history. But, no matter which method you choose, just be sure that you’re certain you want to delete your history before taking any irreversible steps.

Alternatives to deleting Reddit history

There are a few alternatives if you don’t want to delete your Reddit history. First, you can set your account to private, which will hide your activity from public view. You can also try using a service like Ghostery or AdBlock Plus, which will block third-party tracking cookies and prevent your browsing history from being tracked. Finally, you can clear your browsing history manually from your browser settings.


Can anyone see Reddit history?

If your account is public, anyone can see your Reddit history. If you have a private account, only people you’ve approved as friends can see your activity.

How do I delete my Reddit search history?

To delete your Reddit search history, go to the “Preferences” page and scroll down to the “Search History” section. You can click the “Clear Search History” button to delete your entire search history.

Can Reddit admins see my browsing history?

No, Reddit admins cannot see your browsing history. However, they can see your posting history and search history. So if you’re trying to keep your activity private, it’s important to delete your search and browsing history.


Knowing how to delete your Reddit history is important whether you’re a first-time Reddit user or an experienced Redditor. The tips and tricks we’ve outlined in this post will help ensure your Reddit activity is kept private and that no one can see what you’ve been up to on the site. So, whether you want to erase old embarrassing posts or just clean up your account for privacy reasons, follow these steps to delete your Reddit history like a pro.