How To Get Rid Of Calluses On Hands?

Calluses On Hands


Have you ever seen that your hand or feet appear some patches that thick, dry and have yellowish color? It may be the appearance of calluses. Calluses are a common condition that everyone can suffer from that result from the repetition of pressure on a point on your skin for a long time.

Normally, calluses can be found on your palms, knees, heels, toes and not harmful to your health. They are not a disease and also does not require medical treatment but they still cause uncomfortable feeling for many people, especially on the hands.

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If you are experiencing this problem and want to know How to get rid of calluses on hands, this article is what you need.

How to get rid of calluses on hands effectively and naturally?

Here are some useful methods for you to get rid of calluses on hands by the ingredients that are natural and available in your kitchen but very effective.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

One of the most excellent choices on the list of How to get rid of calluses on hands is apple cider vinegar. It contains a high amount of natural acidic that very effective in softening the hard skin areas and also boosting the healing process quickly.

To perform this method, you have to take a cotton ball to soak in apple cider vinegar first. Then tape the cotton ball on your calluses before you going to sleep. Leave it overnight and exfoliate that skin area in the next morning. After that, you should keep moist it by apply some olive or coconut oil.

  1.     Baking sodaBaking Soda

Another great choice to get rid of calluses on hands is baking soda. Baking soda has a power of exfoliating which is very helpful in treating calluses. For this reason, the calluses on your hands will disappear quickly.

To apply this method, you have to make a paste of baking soda and warm water with a ratio of 3:1. Using this paste to massage on your calluses within 5 to 10 minutes. After that, rinse it off and scrub by the pumice stone to eliminate the dead skin. Follow this remedy daily to see the difference.  

  1.     Aspirin


Aspirin can work wonderfully as one of the most impressive remedies for getting rid of calluses that you might not know about. It is very efficient in soften your calluses and also diminish the irritation and discomfort that they bring to you.

To apply this remedy you should prepare aspirins then crumble it and add some water to make a paste. Apply the paste over your calluses and using a gauze to cover it. Using a hot towel to apply around it for 15-20 minutes. After that, take off all the things on your hands and wash thoroughly with water to eliminate dead skin.

  1.     Lemon


Lemon is one of the most simple home remedies for calluses because you always have it in your kitchen. It contains a high amount of citric acid which is very helpful in removing calluses and reducing discomfort. Both lemon juices and peel have a good effect on dealing with this problem.  

With this method, you just need to prepare a  lemon with some clean cotton ball. Squeeze the lemon to take the juices and soak a cotton ball inside. Apply the cotton ball directly on your affected areas and then use adhesive tape to secure it. In the next morning, remove it and clean with water.

Alternatively, you can use some slices of lemon peel to apply directly to your calluses and do with the same procedure. Follow this process a few times a day until you are satisfied with the result.

  1.     Chamomile


Chamomile is one of the most workable home remedies for you if you are seeking How to get rid of calluses on hands. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the discomfort of calluses effectively. In addition, it also has a softening agent that can remove calluses quickly.

To apply this method, you have to make the paste of dried chamomile, garlic, and lemon juices. Grind some garlic cloves and mix well with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of chamomile. Then, using this mixture to apply directly on your affected areas and keep it for 10-15 minutes. After that, rinse it off thoroughly with warm water.

  1.     Onion


Onion is also one of the extremely simple home remedies for getting rid of calluses on hands but not everyone can come up with this idea. Onion contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful in eliminating calluses and boosting the healing process of your skin.

You have to soak some slices of onion into white vinegar for within 3-4 hours. After that, take that onion slice to apply on your calluses and then cover it by gauze and leave overnight. Remove it and scrub by the pumice stone in the next morning and rinse carefully with warm water. Perform this remedy daily to get the best result.

  1.     Castor oil

Castor Oil

Another ingredient that is present on the list of How to get rid of calluses on hands is castor oil. Castor oil works as a natural skin lubricant that can soften your affected areas quickly. Therefore, it is one of the useful remedies that you should try once.

To perform this remedy, all you need is prepare the amount of apple cider vinegar and castor oil with the ratio of 1:1 first. Then mix it well and heat up to make it warm. After that, apply it directly on your calluses for about 15 minutes. Finally, rinse it off and scrub it by pumice stone to eliminate the dead skin.


Calluses are not a difficult problem to deal with if you can apply one of the remedies above. After reading this article, hope you found out for yourself How to get rid of calluses on hands as soon as possible.