Lead the Best Life By Gaining Inspiration From These Amazing Books

Amazing Books

I was having a cup of warm coffee with one of my friends and was truly amazed to learn when she revealed that she had zero interest in reading books. Can you imagine someone having zero interest in reading books and still yearns to gain more knowledge! I was sent into bewilderment & wonders.

It’s not the first time that I have encountered someone who showed less eagerness in reading books. But in my understanding, someone who claims that they do not prefer to read books is more like trying to catch a fish from a river stream without casting a line. Or maybe, wanting to lose your weight but being not too fond of exercising. Doesn’t it sound like totally wrong on so many levels?!

Reading is like the first step towards self-development. According to Yousuf Rafi who is working at a Web Design Agency in Houston:

“Do a healthy breakfast. Plan your day. Read something. Listen to motivational audio books. Exercise. There is so much you can do to jump-start your day in a way all other successful people do.“

This indicates that books have a special role in our lives.

Are you ready to discover personal transformation and take a step closer to meeting your goals?

Here are some interesting reads that can set you on the right path of learning!

1) The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Tolle’s book contains a lot of information. It contains the most inspirational ideas. It covers a wide range of topics where some of them include enlightened relationships, creative use of the mental energy, sources of Chi, and a detailed account on the cycle of life. In his book, Eckhart sends out a simple message, living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. He is a world-class teacher and his teachings clarify some really complicated concepts in a simple manner.

The most interesting thing about the book is how it includes several markers for “break time.” While reading, you can take short breaks in between and ponder on things that you have just read.

2) Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell

Are you wondering what makes high achievers different from others?

Malcolm Gladwell’s masterpiece takes us on an intellectual journey sharing insights from the lives of the best and the brightest success stories. And through his research, Gladwell answers that people pay too much attention to how successful people are like instead of where they are coming from.

The success of a person depends on various factors such as their culture, their family, their generation and experiences. These are some elements that most individuals often fail to understand and this particular book outlines them all. In his book, Malcolm also shares the secret of billionaires.

So if you are eager to learn why Asians are good at math or how Beatles became a world-class rock band, Outliers have multiple other similar accounts to help you understand the story of success!

3) How to Develop Self-Confidence & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Self-confidence and morale boosters are easy to come by but I am sure you haven’t read anything quite like a piece from Dale Carnegie. If you are someone who is seeking to get an eternal command on your mind and memory, Dale’s work can really get you there. In fact, you won’t have to expend too much of your mental energy in achieving it either.

In his book, How to Develop Self-Confidence & Influence People, Dale discusses a number of elements on how to charm the audience, how to improve diction and how to win arguments without getting on the bad side of people. In a world, where people get judgemental too soon, this book can be real self-help to help you understand your friends, colleagues, customers, associates, and employees better.

As far as the credibility of Mr. Dale is concerned, he has changed the lives of millions of student.

4) In the Early Hours: Reflection on Spiritual and Self Development by Khurram Murad

In the Early Hours is a collection of inspirational advice coming right from the spiritual world. The book is authored by Mr. Khurram Murad. Through his art of writing, he makes the complexity of theological believes much simpler for the common mind to understand.

Although, the book is written as a perfect guidance for the Muslims to lead better lives. But, in my opinion, the book contains a lesson for all! This book can seriously help any individual who is seeking to come closer to God. At the same time, it also helps the individual to play an active role in society. Mr. Murad emphasizes that the goal of a believer should always be directed at pleasing the Creator. And in his book, he explains the methods and instruments required to achieve this ultimate goal.

He explains that if you achieve the consent of your Maker, you ultimately achieve everything in life.

Read More About, books converted into movies

5) How Will You Measure Your Life by Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth & Karen Dillon

Seeking to strike the perfect balance between work life and life demands? This book authored by three writers is one of the best books on the block. It can help you establish the long-term happiness that you have been seeking in life for quite some time.

Mr. Christensen who is a cancer survivor and a shrewd business expert speak his mind. He educates people on how they can lead such a life which brings genuine happiness & professional success. Covering a wide range of topics including motivation, picking career strategy, building relationships and strengthening them with love, Christensen talks about a lot of interesting things to gain inspiration.

If you haven’t read this book yet, now might be an interesting time 🙂

So here they are! My top five interesting books which can help any individual lead a great life. Books are the windows to your soul. They enrich it with commendable knowledge. And those who neglect the idea of reading books are simply deprived of that knowledge nourishment.

I guess it is time you read these books and start feeding your soul.