Most Awaited Official Trailer of Games of Thrones Season 8

Games of Thrones Season 8
Image Source: HBO

Like all, you know about your favorite fantasy drama series Games of Thrones. Games of Thrones final season is now on its way. Games of Thrones last season will be shorter than previous seasons.

Season eight-story based on two unpublished novels name; the winds of Winter and A dream of Spring. HBO has already announced that there will be no more season of Games of Thrones. Season eight contains six episodes, and you can see the first one in the coming days of April.

The story of final and eight seasons of Games of Thrones

According to the author of Games of Thrones, George RR Martin, the story will feature a bittersweet end. The final fight with the Army will be most significant and most sustained action scene.

Moreover, some spoilers are saying Arya Stark will kill in a cruel twist when faceless men come for her while Kristian as Hodor will appear in a tragic twist.

Furthermore, in the final season will be more critical because Jon Snow will defeat the Night King. White Walkers are moving towards the North that will be another long winter night as well as last forever.

Who will return in final season of Games of Thrones?

Cast Stars: Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Jaime Lannister, Theon Greyjoy, Bran Stark, Ser Davos, Jorah Mormont, Samwell Tarly.

All core characters will be return in the final season.

Trailer of Games of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1

Games of throne season eight will release on 14 April 2019. But here trailer of the first episode of season eight has released have a look at it.

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