Pokemon Sword and Shield: Release Date, Game Play, Starters

Pokemon Sword

Pokemon Sword and Shield are upcoming role-playing video games. Game Freak develops these games while the Pokemon Company and Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch are the publishers.  They will be released in late 2019. You will be able to see both the new and old characters in the game.

Pokemon games have stable playfield and slow pace gaming experience for the players. But it seems that this upcoming video game is going to change this stereotypical concept. This game will introduce us to Generation 8, and it seems that the game developer has a plan to bring something new and unique for the latest generation.

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I suggest you watch the trailer first to get an idea of what is coming for you. I have watched the trailer of this monster collecting role-playing game. You will see the traditional gameplay which we are enjoying since our childhood time. However, you will be able to play with new Pokemon who have new gym battle and new cities to explore.

Generation 8 is set in Galar region which you have never seen before. Developers took inspiration for this region from the England Map which is full of countryside and modern cities. When you play this new game, then you will have to pass through open fields which get aesthetic appeal through vast mountain ranges.


According to Developers, there are three starters Pokemon which will let you experience different types of roles. A chimp Pokemon is named Grookey; A rabbit pokemon is Scorbunny while a water lizard pokemon is Sobble.

Although generation 8 has its exclusive Pokemon, we will also see Generation 3 and Generation 3 Pokemon in the Pokemon Sword and Shield. The trailer of this video game provides a hint of old pokemon inclusions such as Flygon, Wailmer, Hoothoot, Tyranitar, and many others.

The fans and regular players appreciate the new title of the game. Markus Stadter said that this new title could solve issues that usually come with old titles. To make the gameplay more competitive and fast, the developer should add new mechanics and tools as well.

Pokemon Sword and Shield will be released in late 2019.