Survey says: The #1 thing you need know for the NBCOT® exam

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Fulfilling the requirements by the program of occupational therapy, including the practical and academic demands, means having the privilege to move to the next level, which is, taking the NBCOT® examinations.

The NBCOT® is known for administering comprehensive examinations to wannabe professional occupational therapist and assistant. The board sheds light to certification processes needed for effective and efficient practice in the occupational therapy field while providing quality of service to the public through validating the candidate’s understanding of the OT practices, and by aiding client-care and professionalism.

Occupational therapy is a growing field in the industry, and these experts assist individuals using a holistic approach to take part in the significant actions they want and need to perform after a disability, ailment, and other health conditions.

NBCOT® Exam: A Life-Changing Event

Whether taking the examination for Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant or the Occupational Therapy Registered, these tests can make or break people depending on how well an individual performs, and answer each question.

The national board well develops these examinations, and it underwent practice analysis studies to identify further its domains, primary tasks, and the knowledge of expertise required in practicing occupational therapy efficiently. Moreover, the test is administered worldwide through Prometric Test Centers; a trusted delivery solution that is providing tests dynamically through the internet or a reliable network of over 8,000 testing centers.

Passing the NBCOT® exam means getting the license and becoming a certified therapist or assistant. A life-changing event that can happen to every individual wanting to become certified professionals in the future. Along with the certificates given are responsibilities and adherence to participant code of conduct and practice standards.

As a registered occupational therapist, you have the authority to practice aspects of occupational therapy like those of performing client treatment techniques, creating treatment plans, assessing and discharging patients as they improve with their daily activities.

Occupational therapists follow a holistic approach in evaluating their patients that they look not only to the physical aspects, but also the emotional, mental, and other social factors, including the environment that surrounds the individual.

On the other hand, the certified occupational therapy assistant has the responsibility of supporting the occupational therapist carry out therapy plans, implementing interventions, and producing rehabilitation facilities. Thus, this profession of becoming an assistant needs the supervision of the occupational therapist upon doing its responsibilities.

Together, OT and OTA direct their patients to overcome their injuries, to facilitate them to adapt independently in situations, and presenting possible strategies to lower stress level.

Other than their responsibilities, passing the NBCOT® examinations also means promising to the higher standards and professional conduct. This scenario includes but not limited to:

  • Working professionally to gain and retain the trust of patients, peers, participants, and the community.
  • Behaving with credibility, accepting accountability to actions implied both on professional and personal aspects, while continuously striving to improve skills and expertise.
  • Performing actions with proficiency, fairness, and sincerity, likewise, adhering to regulations and legislation, thus encouraging others to behave professionally.

Under the code of conduct, the first principle states that the candidates, at all times, must provide NBCOT® with accurate, honest, and thorough depictions. This point includes:

  • Releasing of data on the examination, certification renewal, or even the application for renewal audit;
  • Disclosing of proper documents for matters relating to disciplinary, legal, and felony no longer than sixty days;
  • Complying to all safety measures and policies linked to the examination.
  • Submitting datum sought by the national board for suspected infringement of NBCOT® measures, regulations, and norms. Releasing data about its qualifications, education, and even professional certificates.

More of the principle implies that candidates in compliance to assessment should collaborate with the national board regarding investigations and demands of information, that they should not work as a therapist under the influence of drug or alcohol that can somehow restrict their capability to practice the profession.

Professionals, also, should practice the essence of confidentiality by not posting anything related to patient’s information, such as the therapeutic relationship, or images that can somehow identify the client and become acknowledged by the public.

Moreover, it is forbidden to expose examination details, questions, and answers. Thus, professionals must use the board’s logos, tools, marks, or other trademarked products properly and should not use it for fraud and other misapplications.


Summing it all up, NBCOT® examinations conceived as a hard comprehensive test, but subsequently, it can change you and your outlooks in life. If before you are only thinking about yourself,  how to pass the exam and what procedures would you use to ace it; after becoming a professional and a licensed occupational therapist or assistant, you are about to change your perspective.

You get to think more about the people and your clients in particular, how to produce treatment plans that they can benefit, ensuring you have the skills that can deliver occupational therapy practice efficiently while adhering to the code of conduct.