Swamp Thing Episode 8; “Long Walk Home” get what you want

Swamp Things Season 2

Swamp thing season is getting an exciting day by day. Each episode is breathtaking for the fans. Therefore they want to know the next adventure. So here we’ll talk about the episode 8 but before that let’s take a closer look at the Swamp thing episode 7.

The title of the previous episode was ” BrilliantDisguise” we saw that swamp thing get to know more about his power. Moreover, he also gets some clue about what happened to him.
Allec holland took his beloved Abby into that part which is rotting away. But here all of a sudden, a threat arises, and Swamp thing did his all best to save Abby.
Now let’s move on the next episode spoilers of the swamp thing.

The next episode 8 titled is ” Long Walk Home.” in this upcoming episode 8, we’ll see swamp thing needs to save someone after saving Abby. So this time, he will save Avery and another man who is with Avery.

In this episode, we’ll see more powers fo Swamp thing. Avery will promises to swamp thing Alec Holland that she will do her best to find a cure for him. However, these all could be lies, and she certainly can’t be trusted.

The episode 8 of the famous swamp thing season 1 will release on 19 July 2019. So you can catch the episode on the DC universe and also on the DC universe website. We hope that soon, the event will also be available on all other platforms as well.