The 100 Season 7 Episode 1: Release Date and Where To Watch It Online?

The 100 Season 7 Episode 1: Release Date and Where To Watch It Online?

The 100
Image Source: The CW

The sixth season of the series “The 100” has been wrapped up in August 2019. After the end of season 6, fans were left their seats hoping that what will happen in season 7. Last year it was expected that the series must have season 6 and season 7. The sixth season has aired and finished recently. Now it’s the turn for the seventh season.

One of the best things fans like most about the show is that unlike other CW shows, this show seems to venture away from the classic post-apocalyptic teen drama. And it focuses on darker, more mature, and controversial subjects such as making incredibly difficult choices. Which can impact survival? Whereas, the consequences of some actions may have even though the intentions of those actions were good.

Although romance is included in the show. The great thing is that it doesn’t entirely take over the plot. Therefore, the writers aren’t afraid to take risks with their romantic pairs. Additionally, the writers aren’t afraid to kill off main characters or be brave with the plotline. And that isn’t something many shows are bold enough to do these days.

This show is unrivaled. The plot is absolutely phenomenal. It exemplifies the burdensome lives of leaders, the complexity of making decisions when others’ lives are at stake.

However, if we are talking about the cast. Then the main cast will return in the upcoming season. And you can stream the “The 100 Season 7” Episode 1 on CW app and streaming giant Netflix in 2020.