The Flash Season 5 Finale “Legacy”: Barry Vs. Thawne

The Flash Season 5

The Flash Season 5 Finale teaser Photo showed clearly that Barry and Thawne are coming face to face. It would be a great moment to see our favorite Speedster vs. Reverse-flash. Teaser Launched.

The climax of Season 5 is just two days away, and there are so many rumors about the finale storyline. However, from the teaser video, it is now clear that fans are going to see a long-awaited Barry and Thawne fight.

We have watched 21 episodes of The Flash Season 5.Moreover, this season was quite amazing. No doubt, this superhero tv series is getting better and better with time.

As we are getting close to the finale, it is the right time to take a flashback and see what has already happened in the show.

In this season, the biggest enemy was Cicada who kills every metahuman that comes it is way. This supervillain got killed by Cicada II from the future.

At present, this villain has to be deal with Barry and his talented team.

The most striking appearance of this season was Nora West Allen who was Barry and Iris West’s daughter from the future. Though it was quite emotional to see her in the show later, we came to know that she was helping Reverse flash.

Nora thought that Thawne is helping her, but the whole time she got played by her and working for his mission.

From the teaser-photo, it has been cleared that a powerful hero will come face to face with a compelling villain. According to recent reports, Last season of Arrow will drop in October, and it is possible that Arrow will die protecting The Flash –Barry Allen.

The Flash Season 5 Finale is going to release on 14 May 2019. We are expecting an epic episode with a brilliant climax and story twist.