UFO led high bay light and LED HOODS: All About Industrial Lightings Lamps

Industrial Lightings Lamps

When it comes to lighting in the industry we are always presented with several scenarios: I have a warehouse, a hangar, a workshop, a … And I need to light it! Let’s see about UFO led high by light and LED HOODS: all about industrial lightings lamps.

Then come the buts: But the ceiling is very high, but it is a lot of space, but those bells consume a lot of energy.

All these variables have already been considered, and when it comes to industrial spaces or in height, the solution is in industrial hoods. These are luminaires designed to illuminate with power from high points so that various activities can be carried out in the workspace, generally in the industry.

But the main difficulty today, that we find ourselves at a critical moment in our environment, is to find a way to reduce the electrical consumption of all processes to make them more friendly to the planet.

The hoods and luminaires for heights fulfil their function very well, but the energy consumption is very high; in addition to the fact that normally few luminaires of this characteristic are installed.

According to measurements, the energy consumption of lighting in general in the commercial sector occupies approximately 40% of the total energy consumption; In the case of the industrial sector, the lighting item occupies up to 60% of, which forces us to consider how to reduce this consumption.

The most practical solution to this problem is the implementation of LED lighting. Today there are very efficient products that work as “high bay” (high bay, luminaire with fixation on top) and hoods at considerable heights, with very good efficiency and making the most of the directing and focusing of the LED light.

In this guide, you will find what you need to successfully address this segment of lighting and its specific applications.


Our planet is rich in natural resources. We have available to humanity different types of resources that move all the inhabitants of the planet daily.

However, these resources are not infinite, and environmental issues that seek to preserve these resources are gaining strength.

But it is of little use to try to make our processes cleaner if we do not reduce consumption.

As is already known, lighting is one of the items that generate the most energy consumption, especially in the commercial-industrial sector.

According to measurements, the energy consumption of lighting in general in the commercial sector occupies approximately 40% of the total energy consumption; In the case of the industrial sector, the lighting item occupies up to 60%.

Thanks to this, technology has been working for decades seeking to develop technologies that allow better performance, always trying to reduce consumption.

As far as lighting is concerned, the star card so far is LED technology, which allows us to have improved lighting with lower consumption.

The use of LEDs in industrial lighting is necessary for two reasons:

  • It is generally used at heights and the light diffusion is excessive, achieving low levels of illumination in the work area.
  • Greater efficacy and efficiency of the light assembly, so that more powerful lighting can be achieved with less energy consumption.

Industrial lamps are characterized by handling very high powers, which forces them to have a very high consumption; When using LED luminaires for these applications, it is possible to have the same or better luminosity, reducing consumption to less than the original half.

When designing from scratch or rethinking a lighting system for the industry with LED high bays, it is necessary to take into account several factors, not only for regulations but also to avoid leaving spaces with very little or excessive lighting.

Let’s then review the key concepts necessary to address an industrial lighting system with LED lamps, without going into technicalities and in a practical way for any type of reader, whether or not they know industrial LED lighting:


  • The LED Board acts as a light source. It is the light-emitting piece where the LEDs are mounted.
  • The Driver is the electrical circuit in charge of adapting the electrical energy to that necessary to power the LED board. In the most recent models, it is usually outside the chassis, although it can also be inside the chassis.
  • The dissipating fins are in charge of dissipating the heat that is generated by the normal operation of the luminaire. The LED does not produce much heat, but the little it does generate must be dispersed very well for the LED circuit to have a long lifespan.
  • The hooks or U arms are used for fixing heights of LED highbays, hung or attached to various structures depending on the type of application and project.


  • LED high bays

Named for its traditional shape compared to its counterparts in other technologies. This chassis has this shape as a support method for light diffusion.

They usually use a COB type chip and today they are not used much since they are not very efficient in diffusion and their weight is higher than the current generation of these luminaires in this category.

  • Highbay LED / UFO LED

The general name of the models of LED industrial luminaires that work at heights. In some cases, called “Slim” for not using the bell shape of the previous generation.

UFO LED high bay light 240w use circular shapes and individual lenses for the high-power SMD LED chips to achieve better light efficiency, as well as not requiring surrounding diffusers and being lighter.

They are also called UFO LEDs because of their circular shape similar to that of sketches of UFOs and spaceships.

  • Highbay Troffer

This type of highbay has an asymmetric distribution. They seek to replace high-power tube luminaires to preserve the aesthetics and rectangular distribution that these tube luminaires have

In some cases, they still call fluorescent tubes or LED luminaires high bay. However, using tubes of high heights is not highly recommended since the opening angles are very wide and good focusing of the light would not be achieved.

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