Which Consumer Brands Are Reinventing Marketing in the Metaverse?

Marketing in the Metaverse

Which Brands are Using the Metaverse to Reinvent Their Marketing Strategy?

While Facebook is busy rebranding itself, consumer marketing pros are taking note. The trending tech topic these days, outside of crypto and NFTs, is the marketing in the metaverse and it’s possible implications/applications.

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“What is the metaverse,” you ask?

It’s a concept that was first described in the 1992 novel, “Snow Crash”, by Neal Stephenson. In this context, people can interact with the digital realms through VR. In the book, people are able to interact with digital games via virtual reality headsets. Check out the novel or the upcoming HBO series that’s based on the book to learn more. 

Here in the real world, tech corporations are each working on https://onlineupdates.co.in/their own version. 

The October announcement from Mark Zuckerberg that he was rebranding Facebook as Meta brought the subject to mainstream attention. Some people reacted with excitement, but the news was mostly met with derision. 

However, that hasn’t stopped major corporations and marketing firms from dipping their virtual toes into metaverses of their own. They hope the rest of us will follow them there, either as consumers or by investing in emerging technologies.

So, what are major enterprises like Google and Gucci doing to advance the cause of iCommerce? Anything they can think of to create a more immersive experience for customers. 

The technology isn’t quite accessible to the masses yet, but the overall experience they’re trying to deliver is more immersive, and at times impressive, than marketing efforts from even a few years ago. 

The Gamification of Marketing

The most wide-spread examples of metaverse meets marketing is in the gaming world. This is only natural since the concept is most widely known in the realms of sci-fi, fantasy, and gaming. Some fashion brands, including Gucci and Balenciaga, have partner with the developers of Fortnight to introduce their fashions to characters in the game. Wendy’s is doing the same with their burgers.

Other companies have developed their own games. Burberry is in collaboration with Honor of Kings to deck Yao, one of the main characters, in branded fashions inspired by nature. Her trench coat, vest, and pants are trimmed in the iconic Burberry plaid, and she’s seen rocking plaid stockings and black waders. Customers can purchase the outfits via the game. 

Not to be outdone, Louis Vuitton has taken the concept one step further with the launch of Louis the Game on August 4, 2021, the 200th anniversary of the brand founder’s birth. In this metaverse, players can virtually travel and explore the history and heritage of fashion, picking up Vuitton monogrammed candles to access further levels. The game also allows you to purchase specially designed NFTs, which can be sold, traded, or used to buy merchandise. 

Vuitton isn’t the only brand to enter the NFT space. Coca-Cola recently released four friendship themed NFTs via the OpenSea platform to celebrate International Friendship Day. These tokens, which were auctioned off in one loot box as part of a promotion, are interactive and multi-sensory. The winner also received a one-year supply of Coke products. Nike has not only dabbled in NFT mining, they’re also installing AR and VR powered exhibits in retail spaces around the world. 

We’re not quite on the threshold of Ready Player One yet. But as technologies advance and become more widely available, we’ll see more corporations and others inviting us to step into their simulated worlds.