World’s Highly Grossing Film Avatar to Hit Back the Screens with 4 Upcoming Sequels

Avatar 2

James Cameron’s Avatar Set to Back on Screens With 4 New Upcoming Sequels to Release in 2021, 2023, 2025, and 2027, respectively!

Avatar, the world’s highly grossed film set once again to hit hard the screens with breathtaking action and adventure sequences.

After the tremendous success of Avatar 2009, James signed 4 sequels to the film and set to release in the following upcoming years, respectively.

If the time has blurred the vision, let me take you back in 2009 when Avatar hit hard the screens with an unbeatable success. Avatar set in the year 2154, revolves around an unexpected, breath-taking battle between humanoid species of Pandora, and humans.

What will happen in Avatar Upcoming Sequels?

Now, it is more than a decade that we are waiting for the remarkable, and breathtaking Avatar to be back.

Avatar 2009 left us with a clue hinting towards the beginning of a new journey, and a roar of new battles.

Surely, in the upcoming sequels of Avatar, Jake will be back with Na’vi may ruling over the Pandora setting up against the evil forces of human invaders.  

Let me break the blasting news about the making and release of 4 breathtaking sequels to Avatar.

When Will Avatar Sequels will Release?

As per the news, Avatar 2 will release on 17 December 2021.

Avatar 3 will release 2 years after the second part, on December 22, 2023.

However, principal filming for Avatar 2, and Avatar 3 has been completed.

Whereas, Avatar 4, and Avatar 5 will release on December 19, 2025, and December 17, 2027, respectively.

However, we haven’t got any official news about the plot of the upcoming Avatar films.

Stay tuned with us for more updates!