10 Useful Ways to Track and Monitor Employee’s Productivity

time management

When Forbes published the top 100 companies that keep their employees happy, then it increased their stock price value by 14 percent.  It shows that companies with happy employees end up being more productive than their counterparts. Albeit keeping them happy is great but that’s not the only measure to make them productive. Even though there is no denying that employees’ satisfaction brings in more success for any business setup. First, we need to know what should be done so monitoring of employee’s productivity comes out accurate. Once American Sign Company started making employees part of the decision making process not only was productivity up but employees cared more about their job.  

.  Stay informed

When you have assigned them a task. Do keep track if they are facing any hurdle or obstacle on the way. Stay in touch not only with their progress but also with the difficulties they might be facing on the way. If you don’t have enough time for discussing business processes with every employee, use employee tracking software and check every team member’s progress at any time on the go. Such programs usually offer detailed statistics of every employee and record applications, websites, and other tools used by team members to complete their daily tasks

  • Define your goals

Do set and describe your expectations before your employees. It’s not that they work with some supernatural forces to know what’s going on in your mind. Do elaborate on what you want from them and ask how much they can help you achieve. Not only that they should have a detailed overview of what these expectations mean? Then look out for results.

  • Make them part of your decision-making process

When you are setting goals and priorities for them. Make them part of the process too. Take their suggestions and feedback and see if these are practical approaches? If yes then encourage them by taking their suggestions on board. Then a follow up is needed to know if that token of encouragement was reciprocated with good performance or not?

  • Be willing to support

If they are facing any complexity, whether in that particular project or overall, make them feel supported by asking help from IT companies in Mississauga.  Ask them if management can do anything to resolve that issue. Employees are not made productive overnight, you need to be a part of their journey as well. 

  • Keep giving feedback

If you have any comments of appreciation never hesitate to give. It might be the most needed factor at that time for the employee. Even if you have criticism to give, then deliver it in a way that doesn’t humiliate or affect the self-respect of that said worker. They are humans with feelings just like you. 

  • Assess based on short and long term goals

Don’t measure productivity metrics without taking into consideration the length of the goal assigned. Look out for certain KPIs that worked and triggered those achievements. Variation in the duration of the project makes a lot of difference. Some can’t maintain the same work temperament over a long time. You need to keep their spirits high by figuring out what’s making them lag behind. 

  • Look for quality, not quantity

Track their motivation to deliver and their performance by the quality of their work not just the amount of it. Quantity is not a true indicator of performance, rather its the level of achievement and work quality that determines it. One can have loads of work assignments and pretend super busy but with nothing achieved. So look out for actual performance indicators, not mere quantity. 

  • Transparency is a must! 

Maintain clarity and transparency in your communication. Be it giving feedback, expectations, defining goals or how the performance is getting monitored. There has to be transparency in every aspect. If you are tracking their performance with any project or time management tool, make it known to them. 

  • Appreciate with incentives

Everyone’s incentives are different. For some its financial rewards, for some, it’s a short break or vacation and there are those, for whom a mere compliment will suffice. Identify the way first how they feel appreciated and then do make them feel that their efforts are recognized and valued. 

Monetary gains are not the priorities of every employee. Yes everyone works to earn but some put job satisfaction at their foremost preferences. 

  •   Monitor their progress with an automated system

You can’t track your employee’s productivity and their progress in an efficient and error-free manner with micromanagement or manually filled timesheets. Therefore the only option remains is staff time monitoring software with seamless features. You can track your employees’ productivity with real-time top employee monitoring software. Your workforce will deliver peak performance and stay ahead of the curve with the knowledge that they are getting tracked. Today’s competitive business landscape demands automated time tracking software to monitor performance rather than old redundant formulas. 


No firm or business setup can work without proper teamwork and employees delivering results. It’s never an employer’s vision alone that can work. In fact its delivered result of a whole team and efforts put by them that can make any enterprise grow into a large corporation. One only needs to find the right track to achieve that. Keep your workforce happy, satisfied and well communicated to further your goals.