Justice for TBIs in Chicago


A TBI, or Traumatic Brain Injury, can be a devastating injury with life-changing results. The consequences of the injury can affect you for the rest of your life. But you don’t have to handle everything alone. Chicago is full of experienced doctors and medical facilities, as well as disability advocates who can connect you with resources to help with your situation, whether financially or emotionally through support groups.

If you or a loved one were diagnosed with a TBI because of someone else’s actions, you are likely eligible to receive compensation. You’ll want the help of a local Chicago personal injury attorney. Below, we’ll take a look at TBIs, what can cause them, and how a lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve.

What Causes TBIs?

Traumatic brain injuries happen when your brain experiences a sudden trauma, such as a violent jolt or a harsh blow to the head. In these instances, you either suffer from blunt force trauma, but your skull is fine, or your head is pierced through by something. And they are, unfortunately, common. The American Brain Foundation reports that 1.7 million people experience a TBI per year. They can have worse results for children and infants, as their skulls and brains are more fragile.

TBIs can develop from many causes, including:

  • Sports collisions
  • Vehicle accidents
  • Birth injuries
  • Medical malpractice
  • Gunshot wounds
  • Workplace accidents
  • Equine accidents

If you or someone you love experiences a blow to the head, it’s important to seek treatment immediately. Untreated TBIs can lead to permanent brain damage, which can lead to physical, cognitive, and mental disabilities. Here are some examples of how it can affect your health:

  • Educational difficulties
  • Diminished cognitive abilities
  • Blurred vision
  • Dilated pupils in one or both eyes
  • Tired eyes
  • Ringing ears
  • Bad taste
  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Poor sleep
  • Depression
  • Disorientation
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Memory Issues
  • Headaches
  • Seizures
  • Speech changes or difficulty
  • Limb weakness or numbness

Can You Treat TBIs?

Yes. And the faster you seek treatment, the more likely you can mitigate any permanent effects. Treatment options prioritize stabilizing the victim and preventing further injury first and foremost. Your doctor will be watching blood flow and pressure as well as oxygen levels to the brain. Surgery may be needed to repair any blood vessels that ruptured or to treat bruised brain tissue, aka contusions.

Your doctor will determine what needs to happen next. If you’re lucky, it’s rest and recovery. Not much can be done to reverse the damage, but a lot of patients are able to make some progress in recovery with therapy and treatment programs. These may include physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy and will be tailored for you or your loved one.

In these programs, you can learn (or re-learn) skills like self-care, communication, and mobility; you may also work with a doctor on pain management. Unfortunately, between diagnostics, monitoring, and recovery, the costs can add up. Insurance is a big help, but you may have more costs than they can help with.

Seeking Compensation for Traumatic Brain Injuries

Money can’t get rid of the damage, but it can help you get back to life and focus on your recovery. If you’re not sure whether you qualify for compensation, bring what you have to one of Chicago’s best brain injury attorneys for a free consultation. They will want to know when the injury happened, where, and how. You can also bring medical records and copies of statements and receipts.

These Chicago brain injury lawyers will help you determine if you have a case. They will use the information you give them to first determine who is at fault for the accident. Then, they will help you gather additional evidence and build a case. Now, you can leave everything to them; your lawyer will let you know if they need anything else from you. 

Examples of Medical and Life Costs

If you suffer from a TBI, you likely won’t be returning to work anytime soon. That means no wages, but you still need to pay for prescriptions, appointments, groceries, utilities, and more. That’s why so many people end up seeking legal help after a Traumatic Brain Injury. And if you’re in Chicago, then you have the support of Chicago’s disability advocates and experienced brain injury attorneys. They can help you determine the extent of your financial loss so you can maximize your compensation.

The Compensation Process

Because there will be talk and negotiations between your lawyer, the at-fault party or their lawyer, insurance companies, medical experts, legal experts, and more, the compensation process can take a lot of time. Trust that your Chicago attorney is working as quickly as they can with your best interests in mind. They will first attempt to negotiate with the other involved parties to get a settlement for you. This is the fastest, easiest option. 

Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to investigate. When this happens, you end up going to court. Your lawyer will walk you through the entire process, so you can focus on recovering. Be careful not to sign anything without their approval, and don’t discuss the case with anyone. Should someone try to get you to talk about things, direct them to your lawyer’s office. Some companies have been known to lowball their offers or try and trick victims into signing contracts that aren’t in their best interest.

During this time, always remember to trust your lawyer above everyone else— they are on your side and determined to get you the best deal possible.