Alita: Battle Angel 2: When it will come out? Release date and other updates

Alita: Battle Angel 2

Alita: Battle Ange is one of the best movies that come out this year. It was fantastic, and everyone liked it so much. However, some critics nitpicked on certain things. Well, everyone wat to see the story continue, and we hope for that.

Fans have many questions in their mind after watching this movie. First one is there Alita battle Angel 2?  so here we’ll talk about it. Here I am sharing some spoilers withy you.

Most people said that the ending of Alita was like it was setting up something more considerable. The series does not end like that. Because the entry of Nova at the end of the movie meant that there was more great stuff as Alita got the motivation to climb up.

Well, the death of Hugo proved to be pivotal. While Alita swore to kill nova, therefore Alita will get a sequel. Now everyone is worry about the release date of the movie.

This movie took 20 years to produce that was a long time. But we hope that the case would not be the same for the Alita: Battle Angel 2.

But we may have a wait for a long time because the movie will not come in the next 2-3 years. According to some opinions, battle Angel 2 will release in 2023.

Fans are still busy to watch the first installment. The DVD of the Alita: Battle Angel 1 released last month. Well, the main concern is the release of the next installment.

Rosa Salazar said there is no sequel in talks because of the Fox and Disney merger. She wants another film but does not wish to into back door conversation with Disney because that’s not the right time.