Are Vaginal tightening creams safe to use?

Vaginal tightening creams

As women grow in age, their lives and bodies go through many changes. Bearing a child and becoming a mother are a part of these changes. Undergoing such experiences can alter your way of life and disturb its normal functioning. A very significant side effect of the above-mentioned experiences is the loosening of the vagina. With time, the level of hormones in our body decreases, and so does the tightness of the vagina. The resulting loose vagina can adversely lower your sex drive. In many cases, women also experience a dip in their self-confidence because of vaginal loosening as they might cause them to feel less desirable. You can easily find different types of vaginal tightening creams, gels and ointments that claim to tighten the vagina naturally. But most of the time, such products are subject to false and superfluous advertising.

It may take quite a long time for you to notice results. But more often, vaginal tightening creams or gels can cause more side effects than the benefits. Side effects like rashes, redness, itchiness and an uncomfortable sensation down there are not uncommon after using vaginal tightening gels or creams. Therefore, it is not advised that any woman try such over the counter products for vaginal tightening. Some of the most commonly seen side effects of such over the counter medications are listed below.

Vaginal tightening creams are made of many chemicals and these can cause infections in our sensitive areas such products interrupt and disturb the natural pH balance of vagina. And these can also trigger yeast and bacterial vaginosis excessive douching can also cause infections and irritation.

  • Allergic reaction

On account of being loaded with many chemicals, vaginal tightening creams can also trigger an allergic reaction which may cause irritation, soreness, rashes and redness around or even inside the vagina. Women can also get rashes and itchiness on her labia and inner thighs. The rash can also happen in the vagina which can be very painful and uncomfortable. If you experience any such symptoms after using a vaginal tightening cream, you must contact your gynecologist immediately.

  • Irritation

Surrounding our sensitive areas with chemicals is never a good idea and vaginal tightening creams are loaded with chemicals. Many vaginal tightening creams and gels claim to have natural ingredients, but this can be just another tactic of false advertising. Vaginal tightening creams can cause irritation and discomfort while walking, sitting and urinating. These can also be responsible for rashes and redness around the vagina.

  • Hormonal Imbalance

The functioning of our endocrine glands like the pituitary glands and ovaries can be disrupted with the introduction of harmful chemicals inside our body. Vaginal tightening creams and other intimate products can have a lot of chemicals which might not prove good for our hormonal health by disturbing its balance altogether. Therefore it is advised that an unknown and unprescribed product should never be used on sensitive areas.

Laser Vaginal Tightening Surgery

Laser vaginal tightening is a very safe and effective procedure. The results of laser vaginal tightening in Delhi are always a hundred percent, provided that all the instructions and directions given by the doctor in the recovery period are obliged by and any discomfort is reported immediately. Consult the best gynecologist for vaginal tightening in Delhi to get the best outcome of the procedure. 

 There are many benefits of getting a vaginal tightening and some of these are listed below: 

  • Vaginal tightening in Delhi is a quick procedure. It gives us immediate results that are long lasting.
  • No side-effects.
  • It also gives you better bladder control. Losing control of urination and bladder may happen after childbirth. But this problem is resolved after the procedure. 
  • It restores the suppleness and the tightness of vagina and unifies the skin texture.
  • The sensitivity of the vagina is restored which leads to better sexual satisfaction. 
  • There is no disturbance in the regular, routine life as it does not require any bed rest or hospitalization recovery period.

The functioning of our endocrine glands like the pituitary glands and ovaries can be disrupted with the introduction of harmful chemicals inside our body. Vaginal tightening creams and other intimate products can have a lot of chemicals which might not prove good for our hormonal health by disturbing its balance altogether. Therefore it is advised that an unknown and unprescribed product should never be used on sensitive areas.