Is the Hilarious Teen Drama “Trinkets” Coming Back to Entertain Us with its Season 2?

trinkets season 2

Fans Highly Applauded Netflix’s Teen Drama “Trinkets” and Now Eager to have Another Season of the Hilarious Series!

Trinkets, an American teen drama web tv series hit the Netflix on June 14, 2019. It is based on a novel titled the same as the series, written by Kristen Smith.

The 10 episodic series entertains the viewers and stole their hearts by its unique and perfectly fine plot. The series revolves around the lives of 3 girls, Elodie, Moe, and Tabitha. These three girls appear to find an escape from their messed up lives. In this way, these girls find themselves indulged in a habit of Shoplifting. However, this habit becomes their perfect escape and make them meet with each other in an anonymous shoplifters’ meeting.

Elodie, Moe, and Tabitha 3 of the girls appear to be totally different from each other. However, they become best friends and carry on dealing with their messed up life and enjoying their shoplifting habit.

Thus, the plot carries a unique storyline and highly entertained the viewers as it brought up something different from ever; peculiar habits of the 3 high school girls involved in shoplifting.

Now, the fans are eagerly waiting to watch those peculiar habits of the strange girls once again.

Hopefully, it is not yet officially confirmed, but Trinkets will soon set to renew for its season 2 as it has received highly positive reviews from critics and viewers. 

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