New Anime “Monster Musume” Trailer, Release Date, And Storylie!

The Monster Musume Season to when it will be coming out and what is in it!

Monster Musume

This “Monster Musume” is an upcoming Manga anime series that is illustrated by Okayado. This series is published by the Seven Seas Entertainment in Los Angeles USA. Its previous season has 14 chapters. It is the story of a student Kimihito Kurusu of Japan.

What Is In it?

The plot of the series is very clear. And all the characters replacement is good. The storyline is very enjoyable and adventurous. The Japanese government kept the secret of Lamias, centaurs, harpies, and mermaids from years.

Government announce about these creatures three years before and also permit the “Interspecies Cultural Exchange Act” for this. Since then these types of creatures become an important and strange part of human society. They are also famous as “liminal”.

Kimihito Kurusu in Asaka did not undertake for the exchange program. But when Ms. Smith by mistake drop a scary and nervous “Miia” (a liminal) in front of her door. Miia has half body of a woman and half body of a snake. Then he did avoid it and start living with it after accepting it as a friend or fellow.

According to the story, with the passage of time, the Kimihito start providing shelter to the female liminal under his protection of different kinds.

The story became more critical when due to the changes of law he has to marry with one liminal girl for expected teat case. Therefore, the competition will be increased among these liminal to get more attention.

What will happen next to watch the full series when it will be released?

When It Will Be Released?

As according to the rumors the “Monster Musume” season 2 is expected to be released in the last of 2019. So, just watch the full story to know the final decision of Kimihito Kurusu.


Here you can watch the trailer released to get an idea about the series.