Sintomas de presion alta is also referred to as symptoms of high blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension is a common condition. In this condition, an increased force of blood flow clashes against the walls of your arteries. Over time the force becomes so high that it causes health problems such as heart diseases.
In this article, we will explain Sintomas de presion alta or symptoms of high blood pressure. We will also talk about many things related to hypertension.
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Sintomas de presion alta (symptoms of high blood pressure)
Blood pressure usually refers to the force at which the blood enters the arteries. In hypertension, the blood pressure rises at a high rate. In other words, the blood enters the arteries more forcefully. This force puts more pressure on the delicate tissues in the arteries. The increased pressure in the arteries causes damage to our blood vessels. This is the situation that we refer to as hypertension or high blood pressure.
Most people with uncontrolled blood pressure show no specific symptoms or signs. One can have high blood pressure for years without showing any symptoms. They can’t even tell until the blood pressure readings reach dangerously high levels.
Some people with hypertension may show a headache, nosebleeds, or shortness of breath. But these symptoms usually don’t show up until the pressure reaches a life-threatening stage.
The only way to know you have high blood pressure or not is to check your blood pressure regularly. Uncontrolled and high blood pressure increases the risk of severe health problems.
Types of high blood pressure
There are usually two types of high blood pressure or hypertension. They are:
Primary hypertension
It can often be seen in adults, and there is no identifiable cause behind it. This type of high blood pressure gradually develops over many years.
Secondary hypertension
Various disorders and certain medications cause this type of hypertension to occur. It tends to come out suddenly, and the pressure is usually higher than primary hypertension. Various disorders and medications behind it include:
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Thyroid problems
- Renal disease
- Adrenal gland tumors
- Illegal drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines
- Medications such as birth control pills, pain relievers, and flu decongestants.
How to measure blood pressure
Two kinds of values determine blood pressure. One is the amount of blood the heart pumps. The other one is the degree of resistance of blood flow in the arteries. The more blood your heart pumps, the narrower your arteries become. And the narrower your arteries become, the higher your blood pressure will be.
The blood pressure reading is taken in millimeters of mercury or (mm Hg). Two different values determine the task. They are:
Upper value or systolic pressure: The first value measures the arteries’ pressure when the heartbeats. Its result will be higher in number.
Lower value or diastolic pressure: The second value measures the pressure in the arteries between beats. Its result will be lower in number.
The average pressure is considered to be lower than 120/80 mm Hg. 130/80 mm Hg or above is considered to be high blood pressure. But if the calculations are lower than 130/80 mm Hg and above 120/80 mm Hg. Then your situation falls under the category of elevated blood pressure. This leads to the possibility of developing high pressure or hypertension.
The excess pressure on the arteries that causes hypertension can damage blood vessels and other organs. The higher the pressure and the more time it lasts, the greater the damage. Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to various complications, such as,
- Heart attack or stroke: Hypertension can thicken and harden the arteries, leading to a heart attack or stroke.
- Heart failure: The heart pumps blood into the arteries by maintaining a bearable amount of pressure. The heart must do more hard work to pump blood with higher pressure. Pumping with higher pressure causes the walls of the heart’s pumping chamber to thicken. As time passes, the thickened muscle has a more challenging time pumping blood into the arteries. So, the body doesn’t meet its need for blood, which leads to heart failure.
- Thickened or broken blood vessels in the eyes: High blood pressure doesn’t only thicken the arteries but also weakens the eyes’ blood vessels. This situation can contribute to a loss of insight.
- Weakened blood vessels in the kidneys: The situation is the same as broken blood vessels in the eyes. High blood pressure thickens the blood vessels in the kidneys and weakens them. This situation can lead to abnormal functioning of the kidneys.
- Dementia and memory problems: High blood pressure thickens and weakens the arteries over time. It causes blockage in the arteries that can limit blood flow in the brain. This leads to a stroke that can cause vascular dementia in the future.
Uncontrolled blood pressure can also affect your ability to think, learn, and remember. Problems with memory or understanding concepts are often seen in people with hypertension.
Risk factor’s that contribute to sintomas de presion alta
Many risk factors are surrounding high blood pressure. Such as:
- Age: The chances of developing hypertension increase as you age. Men are more likely to develop hypertension after age 64 and women after 65.
- Family background: One can develop hypertension due to family background because it is usually inherited.
- Race: High blood pressure is more common in people of African descent. Serious complications lead by hypertension such as strokes and kidney failures are more common in African descent people.
- Lack of physical activity and overweight:
People who are not physically active tend to have a higher chance of developing hypertension.
Overweight or obese also drastically increases the chance of developing high blood pressure. The more you weigh, the more blood you need to supply to tissues for oxygen and nutrients. The increased amount of blood flow in the arteries puts pressure on the blood vessels. This excess amount of pressure leads to developing high blood pressure.
- Metabolic syndrome:
This syndrome causes a group of disorders in the body’s metabolism factors. Which leads to low levels of good cholesterol or HDL (High-density lipoprotein), high insulin levels, and high triglyceride levels. These disorders can increase your chances of having diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart diseases.
- High levels of salt (sodium content) in your diet
Too much amount of sodium in our diet can cause our body to retain fluid. It can increase the chances of developing high blood pressure over time.
- Low amount of potassium in your diet
A proper amount of potassium is essential in maintaining good heart health. Potassium also contributes to balance the sodium levels in our body. If you don’t get enough potassium from your diet, sodium levels will rise in the blood and increase hypertension.
- Tobacco use
Smoking or chewing tobacco products immediately raises blood pressure temporarily. Harmful chemicals in tobacco weaken and damages the artery walls over time. It’s excessive use increases the chances of developing hypertension and other heart diseases.
- Excessive alcohol consumption
Heavy drinking for a long time can damage our heart and increase blood pressure. If you still want to consume alcohol, do so in moderation.
One glass of drink equals 1.5 ounces (44 mL) of pure liquor, 5 ounces (147 mL) of wine, and 12 ounces (350 mL) of beer. For healthy adults drinking in moderation suggests two drinks a day for men and one for women. Consuming more than this recommended amount a day can affect blood pressure.
- Stress
Stress-increasing habits such as overeating, drinking alcohol, and excessive smoking can further increase blood pressure.
When to see a doctor in sintomas de presion alta
Suppose you have doubts that you have high blood pressure; make an appointment with your doctor to check it. It is the best way to confirm whether you have high blood pressure or not.
One should have a doctor check their blood pressure at least every two years after reaching 18. If you are 40 or older and at high risk for uncontrolled blood pressure, ask your doctor to measure it every year.
Parents who have children three years or older should measure blood pressure as a part of their annual routine.
If you can’t visit your doctor regularly, you can learn how to use the machines that measure blood pressure. Then you can measure your blood pressure at home yourself
Things to do when you show sintomas de presion alta
When you have hypertension symptoms ( sintomas de presion alta ), you need to learn how to reduce them. There are many ways to do it naturally. Some of them are discussed below:
- Lose weight
If you’re overweight, increase your exercise activities and lose some weight. Because losing even 5 to 10 pounds can reduce our blood pressure. It will also help to lower the risk of other medical problems.
A 2016 review of several studies describe the effects of weight loss on hypertension. It reported that weight-loss diets reduced pressure by an average of 3.2 mm Hg diastolic and 4.5 mm Hg systolic.
- Stop smoking and drink less alcohol
Quitting the habit of smoking is good for our all-around health. Smoking causes an immediate increase in this pressure and a temporary increase in heart rate.
The chemicals in tobacco damage your blood vessel walls, cause inflammation and narrows your arteries. In the end, the arteries become hardened and cause higher pressure or hypertension.
Alcohol intake also plays a significant role in raising our blood pressure. Our blood pressure rises by 1 mm Hg for every 10 grams of alcohol consumed. A moderate drink contains 14 grams of alcohol. So, it’s essential to keep in mind that we should drink in moderation.
- Cut back on caffeine
If you have high blood pressure, then you should avoid taking caffeine supplements. Though the effect is temporary, caffeine raises your blood pressure. Its effect lasts about 45 to 60 minutes and varies from individual to individual.
Also, some people are way more sensitive to caffeine than others. If you’re caffeine-sensitive, try decaffeinated coffee, or cut back on your coffee consumption.
- Cut back on sugar and refined carbohydrates
Many scientific researches indicate that restricting sugar and refined carbohydrates can help you lower your hypertension.
A 2012 analysis of low-carb diet effects on heart diseases found that these diets decreased hypertension. It lowered hypertension by an average of 3.10 mm Hg diastolic and 4.81 mm Hg systolic.
Another side effect of a low-carb or low-sugar diet is that you feel fuller and longer. It is also because you’re consuming fewer carbohydrates and more fat and protein.
- Reduce excess stress
Finding ways to reduce your stress plays a significant role in lowering hypertension.
There are lots of different ways available to relieve stress successfully. So, find out what works the best for you. You can also try deep breathing, walking, reading a book, or watching a comedy.
Listening to music daily has also helped in reducing systolic blood pressure. Mindfulness, yoga, and meditation have long been used as methods to reduce stress. Yoga is a joint exercise that involves breathing control, meditation, and posture techniques. It can also be helpful in compressing stress and high blood pressure.
A 2013 review on yoga effects on hypertension found an average blood pressure decline of 3.62 mm Hg diastolic. And 4.17 mm Hg systolic when compared to those who didn’t exercise.
- Eat foods that are high in protein and potassium
A study concluded in 2014 found that people who ate more protein had a lower risk of hypertension. Those who consumed an average of 100 grams of protein per day. They had a 40 percent lower risk of developing hypertension than those on a low-protein diet.
However, a high-protein diet is not suitable for everyone. Those with kidney disease need to consult with their doctors before starting this diet. So, high-protein foods include:
- Fish, such as salmon or canned tuna in water
- Poultry, such as chicken breast, eggs, and beef
- Beans and legumes, such as kidney beansand lentils, chickpeas
- Nutsor nut butter such as peanut butter, and cheese, such as cheddar
Potassium lessens the effects of salt in our diet system and eases tension in the blood vessels. However, like high-protein diets, diets rich in potassium may be harmful to individuals with kidney disease. So, take advice from your doctor before increasing your potassium intake.
Many foods are naturally high in potassium. Here are a few:
- Low-fat dairy foods, such as milk, yogurt, and fish.
- Fruits, such as bananas, apricots, avocados, and oranges.
- Vegetables, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and spinach.
In this article, we explained sintomas de presion alta (symptoms of high blood pressure). We also concluded other related things to it in the article. We hope you find the information in the article useful.