Tech Myths about Streaming a Business Event Live – True or False


A variety of businesses are tending to stream their videos live on their official websites. Conferences, meetings, training, new product launch, and a lot more of the business activities are under this tech trend. Along with its benefits, the concept is equally misunderstood by many of the businesses. There is a buzz about business event live streaming that it is meant for only bigger events and is ridiculously heavy on the pocket.

In this modern era of tech advancement and social media platforms, it is imperative to know the influence of live video of an event on the audience’s minds. There are some evidence to demystify the rumors about business live streaming:

Live Video Streaming is heavy on Pocket

 Opposing the myth immersed within the minds of people, live video streaming does not need to be pricey. Facebook, nowadays, is offering live videos to its users and that is free to use. You can also get an affordable camera to go live during your business event. If you use your live streaming for about, then there are high chances that you can experience a high ROI. There are massive ways through which you can stretch out your reach each year with live videos. According to Hubspot, about half of the marketers, around the globe, consider live video streaming as the outstanding content type, which drives more return on investment.

 Live Streaming Creates Disinterest among People to Show up In-Person

 This is a thoughtful myth about live streaming. Undoubtedly, if a person gets to watch the whole event while laying on their couches, why would they be buying tickets and traveling to show up in-person for the event? But the reality goes the other way!

Live streaming actually allure people to show up and attend event in-person. According to Digital, around one-third of the total majority who watch live streaming, attend the event next year. Many of the big events have proven this myth wrong i.e. Coachella. In 2011, they sold out the event’s tickets in 3 days (the event in which they started live streaming), while in 2012, the whole festival sold out within the time period of just 3 hours.

People are least interested in Live Business Streaming

It would definitely be heartbreaking if your live streaming gets no response and your money or time to waste. But, one of the Facebook Live data studies states that people do prefer watching live video 3 times more and comment ten times more than on the recorded footage. That’s a huge number!

Moreover, if you strategize your video content creatively than it can get more engagement throughout. Experts suggest that businesses need to focus on their event‘s element rather than just concentrating on performers. In order to value the die-hard fans, you can go behind the scenes live video. Through this way, more people will take interest in watching the videos and at last, showing up to the event.

Live streaming is Effective for Bigger Events Only

It is generally said that live streaming is for leaders of the market rather than the niches or start-ups. This notion is quite popular among the majority of people, but it is incorrect. You don’t necessarily have to throw a humongous event to get the attention of the masses on your live streaming. Live streaming effectively works for the events related to product workshops, or webinars. Business event live streaming is actually the best source to attract the massive audience towards your not-so-big events. If your small sized event is properly planned, live streaming is the best way to stretch out the reach of people towards your event. Reaching out to more people can be a nuanced task but can be achieved by live streaming the video directly to your targeted audience through the links they already browse. Live streaming is also done in churches. MELON church live streaming solution allows those who can’t attend to connect with you and your community.

Video is Significant Only till the Event Lasts 

 Want to know the most interesting thing about live video? You can use it for promotional purpose after the event has been ended. You can create teasers for the upcoming events or the next year’s events. Or, you can engage more audience towards your business on social platforms during the whole year until the next event comes.

Only Professional Videographers can Live Stream the Event Digital

It is just a myth that only professionals can make the event video successful. Anyone can go for live streaming using the high-quality camera of their tablets or cell phones. It just takes the right platform and perseverance.

According to the various reports, live videos of events are increasing the brand association among existing as well as potentials customers and augmenting the decision taking power towards that particular brand or business. Hence, we can say that this is the best opportunity for the small business to grow in such tight competition. Marketers can create an effective strategy through video content that will help to sell more and gain more in terms of monetary value as well as loyalty among attendees and the business. However, in order to provide the quick and up-to-date footages of the event, you should have various portable devices to get your half of the work done already.

If you are a start-up business, and the devices are not coming under your budget, you can definitely go live anyway. Now, the question will be: How can we go live without even having our own camera for business video streaming?

The answer is quite simple! A number of tech device providers are giving the platform for the businesses for iPad Hire to their event marketing purpose. No matter you want a single device for the event, or you need thousands of them, tech providers have an optimal way out for you. Hence, there is no worry to get your business known among the crowds. Make your business thrive by grabbing the opportunity of hiring laptops, tablets or iPads for your bigger business events.