Chicago Fire Season 8 Episode 3: Promo and All Details of The Episode!

Chicago Fire Season 8

In Today’s episode, many suspicious questions will arise because there would be an attack at the juvenile detention center. The exciting thing is that new technology at firehouse 51 tests everybody’s patience. Kidd represents the district at a leadership conference.

So just wait because the episode will air on 9th October 2019. The episode title if “ Infection, Part I.” the last week’s episode title was “ A Real Shot in the Arm.

Sylvie Brett is included in the Chicago fire, which makes her way back to Firehouse 51. Other cast stars Stella Kidd and Emily Foster are also included in the show. Besides newcomer, Blake Gallo will appear who will enjoy the first day as a member of 51. If you want to see the promo, just look at it here.

Gallo is playing as a hero in his first call and impresses everyone. He will able to pull off another fantastic rescue or not. You can watch the episode on NBC at 9 pm, and the next day it will able on Hulu and

At the finale of season 7, Otis’ death was a major shock. Well, fans really don’t know how to deal with it but hope that Gallo will fit himself.  Chicago fire will release at 9 pm ET/PT and 8 pm CT.