Commercial garage door insulation DIY tutorial


Do you want to make your garage a normal part of a house with regulated warmth or cool? Then you are at the right place. Let’s check how to get commercial garage door insulation in simple steps according to STIGarageDoor. With these do-it-yourself steps, you can have proper insularity inside to save energy.

You don’t have to increase the heating system in winter or decrease the temperature of your air-conditioning during summer, making your house energy efficient. If you have temperature-sensitive stuff in your garage, these insulated doors are the best for you.

If you are also tired of the neighbor’s noise, insulation is the right answer. Afterwards, you can use your garage for many purposes like making videos, playing an instrument, joining a zoom-meeting, partying or simply taking some rest in a quiet place from your daily life routines. Without any noise, you will feel like you are in your living room instead of the garage.

Types of commercial insulation

Did you know that an insulated door can keep your garage 12 degrees warmer in winter and about 20 degrees colder during summer? Apart from energy efficiency, it also helps in making the door stronger and prevents any problems during bad weather. Following are the types of insulation:

Fiberglass batt

It is one of the common forms of insulation. They come in small portions, also called batts. They can be installed on your new garage door or your old one. Along with fiberglass, the service people will apply foil or paper in between.

They are affordable, easy to install and provide an insulation R-value of 4 inches. If you decide to use this form of insulation, your payment would be about $0.3 per square foot.


The next popular option is to apply a foam board. The insulation material is made of polystyrene, which is light and thin. Unlike fiberglass, the parts are bigger. It might be difficult to insulate smaller corners.

With an amazing R-value, a half-inch panel can insulate 4 inches and 1 inch insulates about 6 inches. If you use a foam board, your garage door will not be as thick and heavy, yet it would provide higher insulation. A 1-inch panel costs $0.625 per square foot.


Another easy way to reflect the heat waves is to stick reflective aluminum foil to the outer portion of the door. This works when you have a pre-existing insulating system with polystyrene or fiberglass. 

It decreases the temperature during summer by reflecting the light waves. If the temperature in your area is going above 30 degrees, this type of reflective surface is perfect. The price for a reflective surface is $0.5 per square foot.

DIY Insulation

If you are someone who likes to take things into their own hands, we suggest you follow this DIY project steps. Following are the things you need:

  • fiberglass batting kit
  • vinyl stripping
  • retainer pins and caps


  • hammer
  • screwdriver

Additionally, make sure that your garage door is working properly and doesn’t require repair. Check if you do not have broken springs and cables, damaged rollers or tracks with brackets before starting your work in the garage. Now follow this step-by-step guide to get good insulation and energy-saving effects. You can always call professionals to help you out with the steps or for any raising questions.

Step 1: 

Highlight the areas on the door panels that are 12 inches each from the sides to the middle. Remove the covering and place a retainer pin. For one panel, you would need 2 pins.

Step 2:

The next step would be to prepare the portions by cutting each section. Make sure you place the fiberglass on plywood while cutting. A kitchen knife can work quite well.

Step 3:

The next step is to place the insulation against the door. The center should face the panel. You would press against the retainer pins that are already placed. To secure the insulation, place the cap. Push it until it clicks.

Step 4:

After that, you would put the stripping material at a 45-degree angle and temporarily place a nail. Make sure you don’t hammer the nail completely in.

Step 5:

Check if every panel is appropriately sealed. The best way is to push the door like the wind. Make sure there is no gap because that will render the whole task with no result.

Step 6:

The last step would be to cover the bottom tracks. Take a fat-bottomed screwdriver and place it in the crimped area. Gently twist it so that the bottom aluminum track is bent. Be careful to not break the crimp or the track.

Call the professionals

If you are not mechanically inclined or don’t have time for such tasks, you can call professional door insulation services. The garage door insulation may cost starting from $100 or less depending on the door panels, the material and the labor costs.

Additional reflective material would cost more. You can simply book commercial insulation services online. If you are not sure about the type of material, size of the door, and other technicalities, you can let the professionals come to your house and give you elaborate options.

On the other hand, if you know the thickness of your door, the size, and what insulation you need, you can book the service online with a suitable date and time. It is best to get insulation when you are buying a commercial garage door. Installment of the insulation is easier and the cost is cheaper.

Final thoughts

In short, garage doors can affect the energy consumption of your house. The heat or cold inside will decide how much electricity is being used. An insulated door improves the temperatures inside, making you feel at home once you are inside.

You may even use the garage for different purposes apart from keeping your cars and storing stuff. When you choose a garage door service, make sure you do your research before that. Get insight from your friends or family, read testimonials and check reviews. Even Google ratings might help you get an idea.