How A Workers’ Comp Attorney in Arizona Can Benefit You?


Insurance companies pay benefits for workers’ comp in Arizona. These companies will try to downplay or even deny claims like yours. The workers’ comp system in Arizona can be very complicated. If you try to represent yourself, you might make mistakes that cost you a lot of money. 

Find out if you have a claim against a third party for negligence and put you in touch with qualified personal injury lawyers in your area, we know that no amount of money can fully fix the damage caused by your injury. With the help of your Arizona workers’ compensation benefits, you can get the medical care you need. Our skilled and caring lawyers can help you get money for medical bills and lost wages. 

No matter what kind of injury you’ve had at work at Arizona workers comp lawyers, it won’t cost you anything to talk to us about. The first time you speak to us is always free. We can give you honest advice about what to do next. 

Understanding Your Right 

If something at work hurts or makes you sick, you should talk to an employee rights lawyer. If your employer did not follow Arizona’s workers’ compensation law, you could go to civil court to get your money back. Your workers’ rights in the State of Arizona need to be protected.

The Purpose Of Hearing 

The purpose of the hearing is to give the claimant a chance to present information and proof that refutes the problems that your employer, their lawyers, and their insurance company have brought up. If your employer has disputed your claim, this is your chance to make sure that your request for workers’ comp benefits has the best chance of being approved. Also, your employer and his representatives will explain why they disagree with your claim and show proof of that.

You May Use An Attorney 

Even though you can represent yourself at your hearing, you should know that the employer and insurance company will use a lawyer. If you need to fully understand the laws about workers’ compensation and become more familiar with how the hearing works, it is best to have a lawyer represent you.

A workers’ compensation lawyer can tell you about the rules, laws, and procedures for workers’ comp in Arizona. They can also give you legal advice about witnesses, evidence, and how to move forward with your case.

After The Hearing 

The ALJ will send you a Decision upon Hearing between 30 and 60 days after the hearing is over and the final transcript is filed. The A.J.L. will look at the case again and then come up with a Decision Upon Review. If you don’t like the Decision upon Review, you have 30 days to file a Petition for Special Action with the Arizona Court of Appeals. That is your last chance to get workers’ compensation benefits for this particular claim that has been disputed.